M.I.High Wiki
"The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why they call it the present."
―Aneisha Jones in, "The Man Who Drew Tomorrow".
Aneisha Jones
Full Name Aneisha Jones
Nickname Neesh
Gender Female
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Family Hermione King
Relationship Tom Tupper
Skills Master of Disguise, Gathering Intel, Interrogation, Intuition
Occupation M.I.9 Spy, Student
School Saint Hearts
Faction M.I.9
First Episode The Fall of SKUL
Last Episode The Last Stand
Portrayed By Oyiza Momoh

Aniesha Jones is part of the M.I. High spy team from Series 6-Series 7.


Aneisha is fun, friendly, and very intelligent. As a bubbly person she will try to see the positive side of things, being a born optimist compared to her team mates. She excels in drama, which is good for undercover field work and for creating excuses to get herself out of trouble. According to Stella she was spotted with the president of the United States, the foreign secretary and had a front row seat at the Royal wedding - her excuse was that she needed big names for her petition of Human Rights.

Despite her main talent of disguising herself to blend into places, she is very much and individualist. Family comes first over trends as shown in "The Hive" and she occasionally hangs out with the most eccentric of her classmates, Lady J. She is also very assertive, standing her own ground. In "The Problem Probe", her interview with Hermoine King, her aunt, leads to an argument where she accuses her of not listening to her problems. For this, Mrs King seems to suspect Aneisha for complaining to the Board of Education the most. Aneisha can also get aggressive to the point of being 'scary'. This is noticed by Zoe in "The Face Of Revenge" when Aneisha manages to shout her way into Peabody's office; a skill she uses on other occasions like in "The Germinator" and presumably for interrogation.

Aneisha and Tom are best friends: Tom pranks Aneisha a lot sending love messages to Roly using voice software, which she found very annoying saying she was 'going to dedicate her entire life to getting him back', and he is also seen teasing her about her aunt (Mrs King) throughout Series 7. In the episode, "The Man Who Drew Tomorrow", she got Tom a present at the end/start of the mission. But underneath all that she likes Tom. Sometimes though Aneisha can be thoughtless when it comes to Tom's role in the group, for example in the episode "Return of the Dark Wizard", Aneisha comments that sitting behind a desk is not the same as being in the same room as a ticking time bomb. She also doesn't like it when Tom cheats saying that she thought she knew him but obviously didn't. Despite this though, the two make up in the end and always have each other's backs. Another reason why they are best friends is that Dan and Zoe always used to work together. 


Dan Morgan[]

Aneisha spends the most time with Dan on the field compared to any of her other team mates. They have a close friendship constructed on trust, something Dan can have a hard time with when it comes to meeting new people. However, he trusts Aneisha's experience and instincts almost immediately, visibly impressed when Stella confronts her about being spotted with the U.S President and British Foreign Secretary in "The Fall of SKUL". Despite his hesitance and the risk of being embarassed in "The Problem Probe", he trusts that Aneisha is not lying about Mandy being an android and orders the 'Mandy-Droid's' arrest in front of the Prime Minister and several world leaders. He and Keri are arrested for the accusation, but Aneisha keeps his trust and proves she's right by bringing the real Mandy to the conference.

Dan does occasionally get on Aneisha's nerves however. In "The Hive", Dan joins in with his classmates' childish teasing of Aneisha for not having a film's wristband, not standing up for her when she is denied a place at their lunch table and not sharing his lunch food, "No band, no chip.". During their mission in the same episode, Dan and Zoe run ahead of Aneisha, small grievances like Dan not holding the door for her like he does for Zoe visibly annoying her. They leave Aneisha to investigate a floor of a KORPS lab alone without waiting for her input, and as a result of being blind-sighted by her annoyance, she trips off a security system that self-destructs and injures her. After the resulting 'Jubblyade' incident, Zoe takes a leaf out of Aneisha's book to be an individualist and Dan seems to find it funny. Disagreeing with Dan in jest, Aneisha compliments Zoe's 'individualist' outfit.

Tom Tupper[]

Tom and Aneisha have lots of reasons for finding each other annoying. On one occasion, Tom leaves a voice mail on Roly's phone saying "I love you" in Aneisha's voice, to which Aneisha responds, "I'm gonna dedicate the rest of my life for getting you back!". Despite the jokes, they seem to become closer over time. He is known to tease her about her Auntie, the strict deputy head Hermoine King. They often make friendly jokes at each other's expense. For example, in "The Germinator", Frank says, "things could get dangerous!", and in reply Aneisha says, "Sounds like it. What if he runs out of biscuits?" referring to Tom at the base who eats mountains of biscuits. Tom plays the joke through until Frank tosses him a packet of biscuits.

Although Tom and Aneisha seem to have a strong relationship, in Series 7 there is some conflict. Tom hacks into the video game Blade Quest in "Return of the Dark Wizard" so he wins every time. When Aneisha finds out she seems quite disappointed in him. Tom's jealousy of Dan is occasionally fueled by Aneisha's comments, like when she says that being behind a nice warm computer "isn't the same as being in a room with a ticking bomb"

Keri Summers[]

Aneisha and Keri have a strong friendship, Aneisha showing care for the fact Keri could be in danger from the offset of hearing about her in "The Mayze". While Tom suggests they lie to Keri about winning a holiday to get her to come with them; Aneisha immediately suggests they tell her the truth. While such an idea may make Keri less likely to come with them, Aneisha seems to value being honest to gain her trust. She is also more gentle and understanding with Keri and her sister Libi, understanding and sympathising with her familial concerns. In "Frankenstein", Keri jokes over Aneisha's aunt Mrs King, Keri calling her a total nightmare and saying "Ouch." on finding out they're related

Much like Dan towards the beginning of being on a team with Keri, Aneisha underestimates Keri's skills on occasion. In "The Shadow Games", she shows large amounts of concern, believing Keri won't stand a chance against the KORPS agents she is appointed to fight, though this is more of a concern over her safety. At other times, she's the most defensive of Keri's skill-set, believing Stella put her down enough to weaken her morale and complimenting Keri's skills when Dan calls her a liability at the end of "The Mayze".


Aneisha takes a strong liking to Zoe from the offset of meeting her in "The Fall of SKUL". She seems to trust her more than Tom or Dan, despite the fact she was created by SKUL, Aneisha judging from her instincts that Zoe is a good person. Finding a book that Zoe was reading when they rescued her, Aneisha goes out of her way to give it back to her. Zoe is surprised and overjoyed that Aneisha's so thoughtful of her. When Zoe joins the M.I High team at the end of the episode, unlike Dan, Aneisha shows she's delighted: complementing Zoe's jacket and showing excitement to have someone to talk about clothes with on the team.

However, it could be argued Zoe is less thoughtful of Aneisha's wellbeing from time to time. In "The Hive", she runs ahead of Aneisha with Dan, not waiting for her input when Dan decides how the three should search a building (Zoe and Dan together, Aneisha alone). Aneisha gets very annoyed by this, later spitefully calling Dan and Zoe 'Romeo and Juliet', and blindsighted by her annoyance sets off a security system that leads to an explosion and injures her. Despite this, we see them get along after the incident, and Zoe is inspired by Aneisha saving the school from 'Korpsade' by copying her individualist attitude.


Aneisha is a key member of the group, her specialist skills are disguises and field work and her incredible instincts; however she did often feel left out when Dan and Zoe ditch her on missions and because her martial arts and fighting skills aren't as good as theirs:

  • In the episode, "The Fall of SKUL" and "Trojan KORPS", she trusts her instincts which tell her Frank is innocent (which he was), Zoe is trustworthy (which she was) and news reporter 'Jenny Lane' was really The Crime Minister in disguise (which she was).
  • In the episode, "The Face Of Revenge", she went undercover as a music scouter.
  • In the episode, "The Hive", she doesn't wait for backup and investigates by herself, after Dan and Zoe leave her, resulting in her setting off an alarm which causes the entire room to explode.


  • It is revealed in, "The Mayze", that Aneisha Jones is Hermione King's niece. It is possible that she did see Mrs King in Series 6. At the beginning of "The Hive". She stated that, "Some of us had to visit our Aunties".
  • It is also revealed that in one of the missions mentioned in "The Shadow Games", Aneisha was captured by the enemy.
  • In, "The Problem Probe", she joined Lady J's crew, following the advice Mandy gave her.
  • In, The Problem Probe", it is revealed she has confidence issues.
  • Aneisha's best friend is Zoe.

